TEMAS SOLUTIONS (TEMASOL) is a small research and consultancy company (SME), focused on safety assessment of advanced materials, chemicals, and products. TEMAS is engaged in research at national and European level and transfers the gained knowledge to clients in consultancy activities to small and large companies. In addition, it is engaged in standardization efforts in the Safe by Design field, with a working item on Safe by Design approach at CEN/TC352, and it is part of the Swiss Norm association as expert for nanomaterials. Sectors covered by TEMAS include medical devices, food, food packaging, cosmetics, biocides. TEMAS was a main actor in the development and application, respectively, of the Safe by Design concept in FP7 NANoREG and H2020 NANOREG2 projects.

Role in the project:

In SUNSHINE, TEMASOL will support the adaptation of the Safe Innovation Approach to MCNMs, the development of the SIA e-infrastructure, and its performance testing in the project case studies (WP1). TEMAS will also lead the stakeholder engagement activities that aim at collecting feedback on the e-infrastructure to be iteratively fed into its improvement and further development (WP1) and will develop the plan on how to ensure the sustainability of the SIA e-infrastructure after the end of the project (WP8). In WP6, TEMAS will lead the Task on developing an anticipatory strategy for the early identification of risks linked to MCNMs and will support the identification of policy needs for S&SbD.


Swansea University (SU)


The Ca' Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE)