The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, RIVM) is a governmental research and knowledge institute providing policy support to the Dutch Government. Relevant for SUNSHINE is the extensive experience of RIVM in risk assessment on nanomaterials, in a broad variety of EU projects, assignments of Dutch Ministries, assignments of the European Commission (Enterprise, Environment, SANCO) and Dutch inspectorates. RIVM represents the Netherlands in the OECD Working Party Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN), provides scientific input for the Dutch Competent Authorities under REACH, including nanomaterials and advanced materials.

Role in the project:

RIVM will act as the Leader of WP9. RIVM will contribute to (1) the development of the SIA e-infrastructure (WP1), (2) environmental fate, in vitro human and environmental toxicity studies as well as in vivo human biodistribution studies in WP2, (3) environmental fate modelling in WP3, (4) the development and implementation of the similarity assessment, grouping and read-across approaches in WP4, (4) Regulatory Preparedness by providing recommendations for adapting the existing regulatory guidance and standard guidelines for MCNMs (WP6), (5) to the international collaboration activities, especially with USA (WP7), and (6) to the stakeholder engagement, dissemination and exploitation activities of the project (WP8).


Purposeful IKE (PIKE)


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, RCSI