Fundación CIAC Centro de Innovación Andaluz para la Construcción Sostenible

The CIAC Foundation is the Center of Andalusian Innovation for Sustainable Construction and was established in 2008, as a Private non-profit organization. It is recognized as a Centre of Innovation and Technology within the agents of the Andalusian System of Knowledge. CIAC's main objective is to contribute to improving the competitiveness of Andalusian companies through innovation and technological development in the field of construction and the environment.

Role in the project:

CIAC will work studying the influence of weathering and ageing on the release of MCNMs and on the transformations that released particles undergo in the use and disposal phases. CIAC will implement SbD strategies that can ensure a high level of protection of environment and human health along relevant product value chains and life cycle phases of MCNMs. Specifically, CIAC will contribute to developing safe by material design strategies for photocatalytic metal oxides used in construction sector. Besides, CIAC is responsible for providing these materials for testing of the effectiveness of the safe by material design modifications, for providing case-study-specific information for modelling purposes and for developing and testing the grouping and read-across approaches. CIAC will also participate to the project’s Industrial User Committee and will support the testing of the SIA e-infrastructure from an industry perspective. Additionally, CIAC will contribute to the stakeholder engagement, dissemination, and exploitation activities.


European Research Services GmbH (ERS)


Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation (TECNALIA)